Smart IA
The Smart IA operations in the Connect API offers a robust set of operations for managing Initial Assessment sessions, cohorts, and tests. The API enables the retrieval of sessions, allowing for efficient tracking of each student's progress. Cohort operations facilitate effective group management, with features for creating cohorts, assigning users and tests, and removing them as needed.
Smart IA Session
A Session represents a test attempt by a user on a single Smart IA test. The Session contains a unique identifier, start date and the current status. There are two types of Session, an In Progress and Completed Session, the status
field is used as a discriminator.
Schema: SmartIaSession
Grouping of students for initial assessment
Schema: Cohort
The user is the learner taking the test, the user entity contains personal details and identifiers.
Schema: SessionUser
The Test entity is the content the learner is taking, the testId
is unique to the test. The Test entity also contains a testVersionId
, this field identifiers the test content version.
Schema: SessionTest, SmartIaTest
A Completed
Session will contain a Result entity. The Result is the outcome of the Session, it will contain the date the result was calculated, the level and total duration of the Session.
Schema: SmartIaSessionResult